ExiPay Welcomes New Joint CEO

ExiPay is pleased to announce that it has appointed Eugene von Engelhardt as Joint CEO for the ExiPay Group. He also takes on the brand new role of Managing Director - ExiPay Europe B.V., our new business focusing on the European market. Eugene joins ExiPay to lead a truly remarkable team of innovators as we accelerate our vision of making payments better for our clients and their customers.

Eugene von Engelhardt

Eugene von Engelhardt

Joins ExiPay in the role of Joint CEO and MD for ExiPay Europe

ExiPay co-founder Willem Büchner remains Joint CEO of the ExiPay Group, focusing explicitly on innovation, products, operations and product market fit. He also takes on the role of Managing Director - ExiPay Technologies B.V. This sets ExiPay Technologies in the firmly established role in the group as the innovation hub, with responsibility for platform development, DevOps, shared services and compliance delivery.

The combination of Eugene von Engelhardt and Willem Büchner at the helm of ExiPay will undoubtedly unlock tremendous value for all our stakeholders. Derek Keats will remain the Managing Director for ExiPay Africa LTD in conjunction with his role as the group's Chief Risk and Compliance Officer.

We welcome Eugene to our restructured organisation and look forward to the next stage of our global journey.


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